This rainbow series came from a vulnerable place and season in my life. My daughter was born in March, and as I walked into the month of July I began to realize how tired, stressed, and drained I had become over the last four months. Having a newborn and a toddler is a full time gig, and I had begun to live life on autopilot: just working towards the next goal (nap time, bed time, lunch, hubby getting home from work, etc). I found I was missing the joys and growing weary.
One morning, at a time of particular brokenness, I sat down and asked the Lord to speak to my stress and anxiety. I needed something to get me through, to REVIVE me.
That morning Jesus sent me a rainbow. It was so small--such a small moment on the floor of my studio--but it meant so much. The Lord used a rainbow to remind me that His mercies are new every morning. It was the reviving my soul was longing for.
As the month of July moved on this "rainbow journey" continued. The Lord taught me through His words and through little "rainbow moments" to stop rushing through my day to the next nap and to embrace and enjoy the little moments. That's where life's colors are found.
I am learning to place hope and strength in His mercy and this is seen in the vibrant colors of my Rainbows series. A majority of the series pieces have much movement in them, with areas to rest your eyes and brilliant color for your eyes to feast on.
My prayer is that when you see these rainbows, hope swells up in your heart like mine did that morning in my studio. My prayer is that our hearts find revival in the Lord's rest and peace and that these paintings in some small way paint that picture for us.